About us
On 1 August 1907, 20 boys gathered together to join the first experimental Scout camp on Brownsea Island, near Poole in Dorset. The man behind the event was Robert Baden-Powell, a soldier, artist and writer. In bringing young people from different backgrounds together, he hoped to bridge gaps in society, and give everyone the opportunity to learn new skills. It was a radical idea at the time, but it paved the way for what was to come.Since then Scouting has gone from strength to strength, now having more than 50 million Scouts, young people and adults, male and female, in over 200 countries and territories. Some 500 million people have been Scouts, including prominent people in every field.
The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.
Lord Robert Baden Powell (founder of the Scouting movement)
What about us?
The 10th began its Scouting journey in May 1984 with the opening of its Beavers, Cubs and Scout sections. Whilst the leadership and members have changed over the past near 40 years, our goals have remained the same. To provide a fun and educational environment, for young people around the local area.Our group now consists of over 100 young people, from 4 to 14 across four sections, and we are becoming one of the largest sections in the Bournemouth District. Our fantastic leadership team have a combined scouting experience of over 100 years, and offer a fantastic, jam packed programme each and every term.

The 10th Bournemouth encompasses everything Scouting should be. Run by a dedicated team of friendly, adventurous and supportive volunteers who provide an action packed programme of fun, challenging and creative tasks. A support network of friends, relatives and parents who all work with us to provide the best experiences for our young members. As a group, we continue to grow in both size and strength every year and our spirit does too!
Ben Aylward (Group Lead Volunteer)
I have always been and continue to be grateful for everything you guys have done and do for Charlie. You have helped to improve his confidence no end, taught him great skills and that he can do anything he puts his mind too.
Beccy (Scout Parent speaking about the Scout Leaders)
If the amount of fun they had is measured by the amount of sand dropped on my floors... then they had a LOT of fun. Thank you!
One of the Cub Parents after one evening
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