I started my Scouting journey at 18, having never been in Scouting before I had a lot to learn. Over the last 15 years I have learnt many skills and have helped other adults along the way. I have been a Section Leader at various groups supporting where needed. With my experience, I now help to organise and run District Scout events. My favourite parts of Scouting are camping and watching the young people achieve new goals.
Scouts Team Leader
I started my Scouting adventure in 1977 as a Cub. I went through the movement helping in all sections to later become a Scout Leader, Cub leader, Beaver Leader and Venture Scout Leader, and I still enjoy it!
Cubs Team Leader
I was introduced to Scouting when my son joined Beavers 8 years ago. I have helped with every section over the years. I have really appreciated the leaders over that time and the confidence it has given them both. Now my kids are older I had the time to help more.
Beaver Team LeaderSquirrel Team Member
Squirrel Team LeaderBeaver Team Member
I joined Scouting as a Beaver when I was 6 and have remained in the movement ever since. Coming up through the sections, to a young leader and then Assistant Scout Leader I was given the confidence to grow as an individual. Scouting has helped me through my work and personal lives, and now through my role as AGSL I want to help give back and support more young people with the support I was given.
Scouts Team Member
I joined Beavers when I was 6 years old and all the way through to Explorers. I then moved to Bournemouth when I was 16 and joined the 10th a few years later. I originally joined to carry out the volunteering section of my Gold DofE, which has now led me to be apart of the group for over 4 years. It’s great as a leader as you get to do all the Scout activities, but as an adult!
I started Scouting as a Beaver in 2007 and over the years I have dipped in and out but it has always managed to pull me back in... and I wouldn't have it any other way!
I started my Scouting in 1987 as a Beaver at the 10th. I went through the movement in all sections until Venture Scouts and I was in the Bournemouth Scout Band until 2008. Then I became a Cub leader in 2017 and now a Scout leader. It's great to see the Scouts learning new skill and achieving them.
Following in by brother's footstep as a Cub in the 80's where my mum was Akela. I progressed through Scouts and Ventures before running off to Uni. Having amazing memories of camps, fun and skills, with 2 boys of my own, I was keen to ensure I got involved to help give others the opportunities I had, be part of a local family, a worldwide community and to relive my childhood.
Cubs Team Member
I started my Scouting journey with the 19th Bournemouth Beavers, before lending a hand with the Scout group there. About six weeks later the leader left and yours truly was left up the creek without a paddle. I didn’t want to let the 6 Scouts we had at the time down, so carried on and had my first experience camping one weekend soon after. I was invited to join the 10th, and have enjoyed many happy years here. I took a Scouting break a few years ago, and now I am back as a helper with Beavers and Squirrels.
Squirrel Team MemberBeaver Team Member