 News → Returning to Face to Face Scouting, not long now!Returning to Face to Face Scouting, not long now!
On the 22nd of February the UK Government published their roadmap out of lockdown and the current restrictions. In doing so The Scout Association along with the National Youth Agency started to work on how Scouting can return as usual. From the March 29th restriction easing they allowed all groups to return to face to face with a selection of restrictions in place on how the groups can operate. The group decided as the Easter Break was coming up, we would not go back until after this.As we waited in anticipation for returning, on the 5th April, the Prime Minister confirmed the news we were all waiting for. From April 12th all the planned relaxing of restrictions would happen as planned. This instigated a change in the guidance provided by The Scout Association meaning that the groups could return fully! No limit on numbers, no limit on time, back properly! From the moment this information was received, the Groups Leadership Team have worked tirelessly completing the required risk assessments and other paperwork to allow the return.
All this being said, as a group we are really looking forward to going back!! But what are we doing about it?
As these easing's have occurred within the Easter break, the group has decided to return on the first week after. Having completed all the relevant risk assessments for the group as a whole, the section leadership teams have been working on creating an exciting and activity filled program for the Summer Term!
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to the group and having a fantastic Summer Term.
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10th April 2021 Dan Leigh