
 NewsThe Group spreads some Christmas Cheer!

The Group spreads some Christmas Cheer!

Christmas, a time to spread joy with all and feel connected. For the residents of Retired Nurses National Home this is a time in which they might feel alone. So we needed to do something, anything, to give back to our community and help spread the Christmas cheer.

Saturday 17th December, all four sections spent a few hours visiting the residents and spreading the Christmas Spirit.

An earlier session with the Squirrels and Beavers saw the children and residents take part in some arts and crafts. Creating Christmas decorations and having a chat with the residents about what they got up to within Scouting.

After a short break the older sections of Cubs and Scouts organised a chance to stretch their vocal chords. With one of the parents on piano, and our own Michelle on saxophone, the residents, staff and Scouts enjoyed an hour of Christmas Carols.

All in all, a very successful visit. The residents enjoyed spending some time with the young people. The scouters enjoyed doing some arts and crafts and chatting with the residents. All enjoyed a chance to spread their vocal chords. We look forward to being able to support in the future at the home, and giving back to our local community.

Merry Christmas to all!

Date of article 17th December 2022 Author of article Dan Leigh