
 NewsThe 10th welcomes its newest section, Squirrels

The 10th welcomes its newest section, Squirrels

Thursday 12th May 2022 marks the official opening of the 10th Bournemouth Squirrels Drey.

This new early years initiative brings Scouting to our members at an even earlier age of 4-6 years old, giving more young people the opportunity to develop skills for life,

Alongside the other 3 thriving sections, the new Squirrels Drey will take us to over 100 young people! 100 young people attending weekly meetings filled with new experiences, exciting challenges and alongside friends old and new! 100 young people learning and growing whilst having lots of fun! 100 young people part of a family unlike any other!

I cant wait to see our Squirrels have the best start in Scouting and to see them progress through the sections at our fantastic group!

Date of article 12th May 2022 Author of article Ben Aylward